5 Hottest Outdoor Features That Will Definitely Add Value To Your Home

It may be no surprise to learn that in 2021, outdoor spaces are becoming an extension of people’s homes — beyond just backyards, they are outdoor entertainment areas to cook and serve meals and host guests. For sellers, being aware of some of the hottest outdoor features can get you on track to find the perfect buyer for your home. The real estate experts at HomeLight recently polled more than 1,000 top agents across the country to see what outdoor features buyers are looking for in their markets. Here are five of the hottest amenities for the great outdoors that are sure to add value to your home:

Keep it cozy with a fire pit

One of the top outdoor features on people’s minds this year might surprise you — a fire pit. More than 54 percent of agents surveyed said this feature is desirable to make backyards inviting and cozy. Moveable fire pits can do the job without breaking the bank, or, if you have more space and a bigger budget, you can go for an inground built-in option. In winter, a portable fire pit can also be stored until it’s the season for outdoor parties. 

Stay cool with a sun shade

As temperatures rise, people are thinking about outdoor spaces that also provide protection from the elements. A sun shade can be especially appealing to buyers who enjoy eating meals outdoors and entertaining, and 34 percent of agents in the survey said this feature has a high buyer appeal.

Get cooking with a full outdoor kitchen

A backyard for grilling is a draw for any buyer, but in 2021, agents are noting that buyers want even more, going so far as seeking full outdoor kitchens. If you have the space, it is worth considering taking your grilling space to the next level with a bar, range, and even an outdoor fridge, to make your home truly stand out from the crowd, as 46 percent of agents said this feature is hot in their markets. 

Keep it to yourself with a privacy hedge or fence

When backyards become an extension of people’s homes, privacy is key, and nearly 50 percent of agents in the survey said that adding privacy is a must for sellers to attract buyers and add value to their properties. The type of hedge or fence will depend on your backyard’s layout and deciding how to integrate it with your space’s existing greenery. 

Up your comfort level with a screened in space

When temperatures rise and bugs are out and about, having a screened in space can make backyards more comfortable for relaxing. That could be why 30 percent of agents in the survey said that a screened in space is one of the hot outdoor features that buyers are looking for in their next home, particularly in warmer climates.

If you already have some of these features on your property, then you’ll definitely want to show them off to buyers as a selling feature. If you are thinking about upgrading before selling, then keep these in mind as you are planning which features to add to increase buyer appeal.

Roy Lhanie